19 July 2009


Glamping is a portmanteau of glamour and camping

Sound Investment

At Pura Vida, we have set up an innovative business model for our canvas and tent line of products.
The concept is simple :
- Caribbean Glamping and Caribbean Canvas Resorts will be promoting and marketing all registered canvas and tents (complete resorts or selected and approved single tents) throughout the Caribbean as a "nomad" resort. Vacationners will be able to book a stay in one place or they can change location and islands as they wish. As an example, they can stay 2 nights at Riverside Canvas lodge in Dominica, the third night at Scotts Head in a similar tentallow (!) , then fly to Union and spend the rest of their week at Chattham Bay Canvas resort.

- Investors can be of different types:

1/ Lodge Operator:
An individual or a company works with our design and engineering team to prepare a complete canvas resort. We help designing the layout, the decks, the bathrooms, the common area, the kitchen..... and we supply all necessary elements to "build" this canvas resort on the owner's site in the Caribbean.
The lodge operator then operate his own resort and benefit from additional custommers referred to him by Caribbean Glamping organisation.

2/ Restaurant or Tourism attraction operator:
An individual or a company already operating a Restaurant, a Bar or a Tourist attraction (Adventure park, Marina, Aquarium, Beach Bar...) in the Caribbean. If the location and overall quality of the existing structure is approved by Pura Vida, then the owner can buy one or more tents from us and be inserted in our marketing system.
The canvas cottage then becomes an addition to the existing business of the owner and will generate increase traffic and interest.

3/ Guest House Operator.
An individual owning a nice house in the Caribbean, in an interesting spot (Nice view, manucured gardens, prime location...... can apply for Pura Vida approval and then purchase one or more tents to be inserted on its property and be marketed by Caribbean Glamping, generating an additional income.

4/ Prime location Real Estate Land.
An individual or a company owning a prime Real Estate piece of land in the Caribbean (On a beach, elevated with wonderfull views, alongside a river......) can also apply for Pura Vida approval and then install one or more tents on its property to generate an immediate income.
Tents being mobile by essence, once the land is used for something else, or once the land is sold, the canvas structures can be removed and installed somewhere else, or even sold on the used market through Pura Vida.

All tent owners and investors immediately qualify for Pura Vida "Nomad" program.
This "Nomad" program entitles any tent investor to stay overnight at any other approved Pura Vida canvas location throughout the Caribbean at a fixed price covering basic expenses . At the start of the operation, this Basic "Nomad Overnight price" has been set at US$ 55 net per night.
In other terms, you own one or more tents enrolled in Caribbean Glamping program on the island of Antigua or St Lucia, and you wish to travel for pleasure or business to St Maarten or Dominica (where there is another approved Pura Vida canvas resort), then you can apply for one or more night stays at this resort for a fixed nightly rate of ... 55 US$.

PURA VIDA Marketing Concept.
Pura Vida marketing fee is based on a 30 % commission on bookings.
Any night booked through Pura Vida / Caribbean Glamping organisation generates a 30% commission for the organisation. The remaining 70% are all for the tent owner or operator.

Return on investment for these canvas resorts investment is one of the highest in the hospitality business with an average ROI above 25 % for the proper lodge!

All details available at first contact : See "contact" message below.